20 Nisan 2011 Çarşamba

Download 4.3.2 Custom Firmware IPSW Untethered - iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad, iPod Touch 4G, 3G [Jailbreak - Activated]

Download a Custom IPSW firmware iOS 4.3.2 restore untethered Jailbroken and Activated using Sn0wbreeze 2.6 for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad 1, iPod touch 4G, 3G.

Important Note: If you update to 6.15.00, you may lose your GPS,

iPhone 4
  • Download iPhone 4 iOS 4.3.2 Custom ipsw firmware untethered - Activated ( for users who are not on official carrier SIM card)
  • Dwonload iPhone 4 iOS 4.3.2 Custom ipsw firmware  untethered - Unactivated (for users who are on official carrier SIM card)
iPhone 3GS New Bootrom
  • Download iPhone 3GS new bootrom iOS 4.3.2 Custom ipsw  firmware untethered - Activated ( for users who are not on official carrier SIM card)
  • Download iPhone 3GS new bootrom iOS 4.3.2 Custom ipsw firmware  untethered - unactivated (for users who are on official carrier SIM card)
  • Download iPhone 3GS new bootrom iOS 4.3.2 Custom ipsw  firmware untethered Baseband 6.15.00 - Activated ( for users who are not on official carrier SIM card)
  • Download iPhone 3GS new bootrom iOS 4.3.2 Custom ipsw firmware  untethered Baseband 6.15.00 - unactivated (for users who are on official carrier SIM card)

iPhone 3GS Old Bootrom
  • Download iPhone 3GS old bootrom iOS 4.3.2 Custom ipsw  firmware untethered - Activated ( for users who are not on official carrier SIM card)
  • Download iPhone 3GS old bootom  iOS 4.3.2 Custom ipsw firmware  untethered - unactivated (for users who are on official carrier SIM card)
  • Download iPhone 3GS old bootrom iOS 4.3.2 Custom ipsw  firmware untethered Baseband 6.15.00 - Activated ( for users who are not on official carrier SIM card)
  • Download iPhone 3GS old bootrom iOS 4.3.2 Custom ipsw firmware  untethered Baseband 6.15.00 - unactivated (for users who are on official carrier SIM card)

iPad 1 (first generation)
  • Download iPad 1 iOS 4.3.2 Custom ipsw firmware untethered
iPod Touch 4G:
  • Download iPod Touch 4G iOS 4.3.2 Custom ipsw firmware untethered
iPod Touch 3G:
  • Download iPod Touch 3G iOS 4.3.2 Custom ipsw firmware untethered

How to Fix Error 3194:

  • Close TinyUmbrella.
  • Remove Cydia's SHSH caching server from your hosts (C:\WINDOWS\system32\driver\etc\hosts)
  • Reboot.

16 Nisan 2011 Cumartesi

iOS 4.3.2 Jailbreak ve Tüm Gelişmeler (MMCN.ORG sitesinden alıntı)

iOS 4.3.2 sürümünün yayınlanmasının ardından gözler yine yeni bir jailbreak konusuna, iOS 4.3.2 jailbreak'e çevrildi. Bizler de her zaman olduğu gibi sizleri sayfalar içinde boğmadan sadece direk aradığınız konuya iOS 4.3.2 jailbreak konusuna yönlendirebilmek için bu konuda şu andaki ve gelecekteki tüm iOS 4.3.2 jailbreak gelişmelerini bu yazımız altında gelişmeler oldukça güncellemeye devam edeceğiz. Bu sebeple yazımızın sonundaki güncellemeleri mutlaka okuyunuz. Şimdiden bu sayfamızı sık klullanılanlarınıza ekleyebilirsiniz diyerek hemen konu hakkındaki gelişmeleri sizlerle paylaşmaya başlayalım.
Henüz iOS 4.3.2 sürümü yeni paylaşılmış olmasına rağmen iPhone Hacker'ları olası açıkların devam edip etmediği ve varsa başka jailbreak metodlarını araştırırken tespit ettikleri ve bizlerle paylaştıkları ilk gelişme şu anda henüz iOS 4.3.2 untethered jailbreak'in ellerinde hazır olmadığı. Ancak tethered'da olsa tıpkı iOS 4.3.1 sürümünde olduğu gibi Redsn0w 0.9.6 RC12 sürümü ile jailbreak yapabileceğiniz tespit edildi. Buna göre daha önce sizlerle paylaştığımız Redsn0w 0.9.6 RC12 konusundan ve Redsn0w Jailbreak anlatımından iOS 4.3.2 sürümünü tethered jailbreak uygulamasını indirerek jailbreak yapabilirsiniz.
iOS 4.3.1 sürümü için jailbreak yapacak olan veya sürüm yükseltecek olan kullanıcıların unlock ihtiyacı olan cihazlarında şu anda bu yükseltmeyi yapmamaları önerilir. Mevcut sürümdeki TinyUmbrella baseband sürümünüzü korumayabilir ki bu konuda da gelişmeler oldukça sizlerle paylaşacağız. Cihazlarında unlock zorunluluğu olmayan ve iOS 4.3.1 SHSH kaydını da almış kullanıcılar iOS 4.3.2 sürümü Redsn0w 0.9.6 RC12 jailbreak uygulaması ile tethered'da olsa jailbreak yapabilirler. Bilindiği gibi tethered bağımlı jailbreak metodu olup cihaz bir şekilde kapatıldığında tekrar Redsn0w jailbreak uygulaması çalıştırılarak açılabilmektedir.

15 Nisan 2011 Cuma

Microsoft Windows 8 Build 7850 Leaks

MIX 2011 kicked off today and it looks like day one ended with a bang. Not only did Microsoft reveal Internet Explorer 10 Platform Preview 1, but as it turns out a rather early build of Windows 8 has appeared in the wild.
Build 6.1.7850.0.winmain_win8m1.100922-1508 to be exact happens to be the last build that Microsoft finalized before Milestone 1 of Windows 8. Initially, build 7850 leaked via FTP, but now torrent links have started appearing on the internet as well.

Back at the International Consumer Electronics Show 2011 in Las Vegas, Microsoft showed an early build of Windows 8 and it turns out that the leaked Windows 8 build 7850 is actually six months older than the build that was demostrated by Microsoft at CES 2011.
Among other expected features of Windows 8 which includes Metro UI, Modern Reader, SmartScreen file checking security, History Vault and OEM activation, one recently leaked feature is Windows App Store which shall not only be included in Windows 8 but will also be available as a standalone software supported by Windows 7.
Apparently the Windows App Store looks similar to Apple’s Mac App Store, but it might be the largest store for PCs, I guess. A vast number of applications, ranging from games to office applications and from browsers to internet related app will be available for download.
However, don’t expect the leaked build 7850 to have all of these features because as per the reports up till now, it looks like build 7850 is just Windows 7 with User Tile enabled.
Download Leaked Microsoft Windows 8 Build 7850
  • Download Windows 8 Build 7850 Leaked [Download link removed. Our hosting company doesn't allow us to post torrent links. But as you know Google is your friend.]
Disclaimer: We at Shoutpedia.com do not endorse or encourage piracy in any way. This article is for informative purposes only.
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9 Nisan 2011 Cumartesi

Musclenerd: iOS 4.3.1 Ultrasn0w Unlock Available Today

iPhone Dev Team member Musclenerd has taken it upon himself to announce that testing has begun on the iOS 4.3.1 unlock via Ultrasn0w, and that the updated tool is to be launched later today.

Available to iPhone owners via Cydia after jailbreaking their handset, Ultrasn0w is the iPhone Dev Team’s reliable unlock utility which allows users to switch carriers, bypassing the limitations imposed by Apple and supported operators.

Via a tweet fired off a few hours ago, Musclenerd said “4.3.1-compat ultrasn0w update for *current unlockers* is out to external testers.” He confirmed that, “Barring any hiccups, release is tonight.”

In a recent blog post, the Team warned Ultrasn0w unlockers that they should hold their horses.

“WARNING WARNING — ultrasn0w users don’t update yet!  We need to first release an update to ultrasn0w that fixes some incompatibilities when FW 4.3.1 is used on the older basebands supported by ultrasn0w,” read the post.

“And remember once we do fix ultrasn0w for 4.3.1 (we’ll announce it here and on twitter), you must only get there via a custom IPSW from PwnageTool, Sn0wbreeze or xpwn!  Don’t ever try to restore or update to a stock IPSW, or you’ll lose the unlock!”

In other words, those who plan on unlocking their iPhones on iOS 4.3.1 will need to perform their iOS 4.3.1 software update by employing one of the jailbreak utilities enumerated above.

This article has a purely informational purpose and doesn't, in any way, suggest that you should hack your Apple device.

Using hacks may render your device unusable, or may reduce the quality of your experience employing the respective device.

If you choose to download and install jailbreak tools, you will do so at your own risk. Unlocking / jailbreaking your iPhone / iPod touch / iPad / Apple TV may violate your warranty or the EULA with Apple and / or your cellular-service provider.