16 Ocak 2014 Perşembe

AMD Catalyst 13.30 BETA (13.300.0.0 January 8)

Download the AMD Catalyst 13.30 BETA (13.300.0.0 January 8) driver. This driver works with Windows 7, 8 and 8.1.
We have a discussion thread open on this driver right here. This driver was released by AMD today. The driver supports all modern APUs (this driver was released for the new Kaveri A10 and A18 APUs) yet it also supported FireGL and Radeon graphics cards making this a very new driver for pretty much anything with an AMD logo on it.
Build Info:
DriverVer=01/08/2014, 13.300.0.0000
CCC: 2014.0108.2153.39272
OCL: 10.0.1359.4

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