25 Kasım 2010 Perşembe

AMD Catalyst 10.11 Windows 7 Driver Analysis

 These drivers have arrived a lot earlier than I expected, but I suppose we’re going to have the 10.12 earlier in the month than normal due to the holidays. The December drivers are always interesting as AMD (or previously, ATI) would sometimes throw us a little bonus, with my personal favorite being when we saw the Quad Core support offered which yielded some great performance increases.
 November on the other hand tends to be a little more boring. This November continues to be as busy as the last one due to the HD 6000 series being released, albeit not as soon as some would have hoped. Fingers crossed we don’t slip back further than the current December 13th date.
 Anyway, let’s check out the two performance improvements AMD is offering and then get stuck into our tests.
Performance Improvements

 Battleforge: Performance increases up to 3% on ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series single and CrossFire configurations with anti-aliasing disabled.
 STALKER – Call of Pripyat benchmark: Performance increases up to 5% on ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series single and CrossFire configurations.


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